When baking manually, it seems like sometimes the code isn’t fully compiled or something (not sure correct terminology I should use here). Basically what happens is I will:
Manually bake
Start up the local replication server
Click play and try to connect
The server will reject me saying I have incorrect schema. I will then stop, repeat the steps above, and it will work as expected with no action done except rebaking it.
I think just a check when manually baking to make sure that schema will be same for what’s being baked and what the server will replicate is needed here because there are cases where this isn’t happening – unsure of exactly what steps to repeat are here
Regarding this specifically, we are in the process of releasing 0.10.12 (soon®), which will be fully functional with Unity 2022.2.
For your issue, I will leave it to someone from the SDK team. It certainly shouldn’t work like that, the bake should capture the latest changes and produce the right schema. Sounds like it’s not, either because some modification was done after baking - perhaps working on the synced properties on an open Prefab (in Prefab mode) that wasn’t saved before pressing Play?
Do you connect these Prefabs via the PrefabMapper ScriptableObject, or Resources?
If it happens again, the more steps or situational info you can provide the better we can narrow it down. Thanks!