Simulator fails to join room

Description, details and error message(s)

My game uses simulators and I am currently using Coherence cloud to run them. When I create a new room from my client, it seems like the simulator is started on Coherence cloud but doesn’t seem to want to join the room. The dashboard claims that a simulator is running, and I can see that my client and my simulators are using the same schemaId, however, as far as I can tell, it never joins the room.

For context; when a simulator joins a room it seems a message to each of my clients, and my clients are not receiving any message indicating that the simulator has joined. Additionally, when I go to the Dashboard, there are no logs available under “Simulator logs”. There are however logs for the room itself, and I see that the room is eventually closed due to inactivity/idleTimeout.

The Dashboard also shows an error message when attempting to view the logs for the Simulator.

Room ID: 2203771208649

Expected behaviour

The simulator joins the room and logs are available on the dashboard.



SDK: v0.10.9
Unity: n/a
OS/Platform: n/a

I just remembered I had similar issues previously: See this Discord topic.

I disabled my custom Simulator connection script but had no luck. The challenging bit is that I can’t debug this if the simulator logs are unavailable.

Hey, sorry about the logs issue - we are running into an issue right now with the integration with our upstream logs provider (Grafana cloud) specifically with simulator logs that we are working through. I hope to get it fixed very soon, and they should be accessible via the dashboard in a reliable way.

Regarding your simulator connection issue: I will DM you with logs and we can work through it.

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Thanks for following up Brit. Happy to hear you are ontop of the logs issue. With the logs you provided I was able to find the issue in my custom connection script.

From my thread on Discord:

Found the issue on my end. My simulator was trying to connect twice it seems due to me not understanding that Awake is called even if a component is not enabled. This misunderstanding causes my custom connection script + the default Coherence auto connection to both try and establish the connection, which seems to confuse something down the line.

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