Only Editor can connect to Cloud

I’ve had a build that has been working fine for the past couple of weeks, I’ve used local replication servers and my builds have been connecting just fine. Recently I’ve wanted to distribute a build for testing, only to realize that the default room connect UI never connects to the cloud. I don’t get any errors, and my schema has been uploaded. The editor version connects just fine but the final build never does. Are there any things I might be missing?

I’ve looked into the sample ui and it looks as if the final build gets an empty string from runtime settings, I added a debug line, and “no cloud service found” is always printed

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RuntimeSettings.Instance.ProjectID))
                cloudServiceReady = StartCoroutine(WaitForCloudService());
            else if (regionDropdown.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                Debug.Log("no cloud service found");

Hey, I’ll reach out to the SDK team to see what might be going on here. They are in CET time so it may be tomorrow before a response.

No need I fixed the problem right after posting, it was runtime settings being set to local testing only, unchecking that appears to have fixed the problem on the windows build

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Ah! Gotcha, ok, thanks for letting us know

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