VersionIncompatible error after upgrading 1.0.5 -> 1.1.x

Thanks for the response!

I’m pretty sure I’ve discovered the issue with your help, but at the very least, this should help point in the right direction.

The first connection being made is a client connection, auto-connecting through CoherenceScene, this appears to work as expected.

This is an MRS setup, so the the second connection being made is an MRS connection and appears to be initiated by the coherence Multi-Room Simulator Local Forwarder as when I disable this component, the error is no longer produced.

Without knowing the code inside and out, I’m guessing the issue is at MultiRoomSimulatorLocalForwarder.cs (line 86):

var joinRoomRequest = JoinRoomRequest.FromEndpointData(endpointData);

It appears the JoinRoomRequest.FromEndpointData(endpointData) method does not provide the newly required RSVersion info, and maybe it should?