Syncing very small byte arrays?

I’ve placed a [Sync] attribute on a byte property that I intend to be filled with a dozen or so elements (usually <100 bits). I realize the coherence Optimize window has no idea in advance how large this array will be, but it shows a “bits distance” of 4072 for that property alone.

So, just looking for:

a) Confirmation that small byte arrays won’t actually require 4072 bits to transmit something that should be less than 100 bits in practice.

b) A way to monitor this in action, if possible.

Thank you - any help is greatly appreciated!

Hey! Welcome.

The value shown in the optimize window for byte arrays is a theoretical maximum size for a single byte array.

There is no additional overhead added by coherence when serializing a byte array.

You can monitor bandwidth usage using the coherence profiler module Profiling | coherence Documentation

Hope that helps.

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