Release Notes 1.4 - Ordered Commands

Hi everyone!

coherence version 1.4 is out the door (soon also on the Asset Store). If you’d like your release highlights with a dash of detail, humor, and illustration, read them on our blog. For the speedrunners among us, this is what it looks like at a high level:

  • Ordered Commands - that’s a big one!
  • Support for the latest changes and features of Unity 6 LTS.
  • CoherenceSync stability improved - thanks, community!
  • Replication Server now works with IL2CPP on desktop clients.
  • Optimize window now supports applying changes to all Prefab Variants at once.
  • And finally, you can now toggle Client Prediction in Play Mode.

And a loooong list of bug fixes to boot. For that, you better read our 1.4 Release Notes. And also, maybe don’t skip the Upgrade Guide.

PS - Did you hear that coherence is doing Vampire Survivors? Your game is in good company now :wink:

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Yesterday we published a 1.4.3 hotfix release for an issue where the Replication Server was not being bundled correctly with the builds. Thank you Dyecode for submitting the bug report that led to us discovering this issue promptly!

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