What are some cool networked/multiplayer experiences or game features that you have seen through the years? Plain old synchronous multiplayer (aka 2+ players in the same game room, playing a match) are fine (but then I’d love to hear why are they great), but I’m mostly hoping to hear of creative solutions or new ways to interact online.
Haven and Hearth has some unique mechanics when it comes to crime. A little background - this is a player driven MORPG (no quests, no npcs, no pre-made buildings) with huge randomly generated world and perma death (you can lose months of progress in a second). To the point:
There are 4 types of crime - trespassing, stealing, vandalism and murder
Each type of crime requires you to get a very expensive skill
2a. That means for example that you can’t walk on someone else’ claimed land by default
Committing a crime leaves a scent object that decays over time (each crime leaves different scent)
Players can use scent like a compass which leads to either the felon position (if he’s online) or position of felon’s “hearth” which is kind of a “spawn point”
If player is offline but you reach his hearth with a crime scent, you can summon his character and kill it
Very interesting! At the same time, I feel like the mechanical interpretation of crime (if there’s been a crime => scent is left behind => means a crime has been committed) is limiting, but I totally understand why they did it this way.
Fun fact and a little digression, some time ago I wanted to explore this concept of “what is a crime”, or better, “what constitutes breaking the rules”, and I wanted to use a sports game to do it (not multiplayer online). Inspired by the mechanics of fouls in football games, where (I’m sure) an algorithm decides when the referee calls for a foul or not. But in real life, there are many more factors at play: visibility of the foul, time of the match and current score, and whether the team playing is important or not.
I failed in that game jam as we didn’t get to the rules bending part, but I’d love to try again at some point.