But when I enable a second group of “Coherence Node” childs in another parent from the same “root object hierarchy” all stop failing and [Sync] tags and synced properties (configured through the editor) stop working.
Nested prefabs with multiple CoherenceSync components are currently not supported with coherence.
I’d recommend you try to decouple your prefabs and connect them in runtime.
Yes is a nested prefab only in the scene (not saved in assets but it is).
I’ve tried reparenting at runtime (quick note: I made the reparenting after the OnSync event, becouse if I do on Start for example, same behavior happen). But still some strange problems.
Here the example:
With the setup in this image work (only reparenting at runtime one group of elements).
“Doesn’t work for me. In this case no error in the Room Log, but the second player is unable to connect to the room.”
Sometimes the second client doesn’t connect but when it connects (slower than usual) [sync] attribritutes (and configured ones like rotation) doesn’t work and are not being synced, even if are from another Coherence Sync not involved in the parenting.
Alright, thanks for clarifying the issue! I don’t have an immediate answer, but we’re going to try to reproduce it on our end and figure out what is going on.
It was very tricky to catch so here some considerations:
The bug happens parentin prefabs with coherence sync and coherence node into another prefab with coherence sync. You need to parent same objects (10 or more in my test) sync a property in the parent (I sync the rotation) and changing that property by script (See Rotator object).
That cause a failure that other objetcs stop sync (but commands works, at least in the full project).
We’re pushing this into our pipeline now and trying to figure out what’s going wrong.
Might take a little while though, so I hope this is not completely blocking your work.
Quick test of your project without any changes (except I added parrelsync for side-by-side testing).
All 10 child-objects seem to be parented correctly into the hieararchy from what I can tell, and rotate as expected. And the number on the OtherSyncedObject seems to increment too.
Is probably working for you (both counters synced) because like I pointed at my discoveries If you launch from the editor all works fine. The bug happen when you launch first from a build.
Also making a quick test and the bug only happens if I use the cloud server. Local Replication server make it works fine. I’m shocked with this strange behaviour!
Ok so I am seeing some very strange behaviour now.
The initial connection to the server is usually very fast, but the actual syncing of scene data takes ridiculous amounts of time, even over a minute in one test. It is only after the scene has synced that you’ll see the objects correctly parented in the editor.
I continue investigating what is going on. Unfortunately I cannot repro it locally and the cloud logs aren’t helping me this time.
Hey! We’ve tracked down the parenting bug and there’s already a patch waiting for release but it may take some while to make it through our QA and release process.
Do you have any workaround for this in the meantime?
Awesome news! No worry, we are working on other parts of the prototype and we are not blocked by this so take your time to ship it with the proper QA and all.
Thank you very much for all your help! I stay tuned for the patch.