Simulator disabling when changing scene

I use CoherenceSceneManager.LoadScene to change scene in my game for every clients, and i would like a simulator object ( so networked for the simulator authority) to stay in simulator authority

issue : the networked object (in DontDestroyOnLoad) Disable itself and is apparently transfered to a client authority

more explanation :
the simulator is in the first scene and not the second
loading back to the first scene does’nt cause the issue
loading into second scene, disconnecting and reconnecting re-enable the simulator
the simulator is supposed to be like a gamemanager, an unique server sided entity that send and receive commands from players

It sounds like your simulator is not transitioning to new scenes.

In your game, will different players be in different scenes at once? Or will all players always be in the same scene?

Check out the docs here for automating scene transitions (which requires Client Connections)

i think i’m not really using it
its supposed to always be in the same scene

in the loaded scene, these are dontdestroyOnLoad objects. As you see the simulator’s [main simulator](on the bottom, the network one ) is in the scene but disabled by coherence. reconnecting to the server enable it and gave it back to the simulator connection , why ?

I believe the issue is that if the player client is in a scene and the simulator is still in another scene, they will not be able to see or interact with each other. Their live queries are in different scenes.

I believe you want your simulator to change scenes with your players so it can continue to manage entities in the scene that your players are in.

does the coherence.loadscene function must trigger from the simulator itself ?

i’m trying every function but nothing get to move it from one scene to another

Do you have a ClientConnection set up (there is a different one for Sims) to manage this auto scene switch? (see the docs linked above)

hi i found something,

simulators doesnt switch scene with the coherenceSceneManager.loadScene function

as you can see, the index 1 exist for the scene so this bug is not supposed to happen
more info : the simulator does move when played with the local simulator build, this bug appears only when i use the play mode scenario

OKay i found the issue :

you need to override the global scene list in the build profile

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